Standard Rotary vs. Neuma Tattoo Machines

Neuma Tattoo Machines Stand Out with True Variability and Performance Most rotary tattoo machines have little variation, either within their own function or when compared to other machines. In fact, many use the same motors, battery cells, and drive components. They are essentially repackaged and rebranded versions of the same machine. What sets Neuma tattoo… Continue reading Standard Rotary vs. Neuma Tattoo Machines

Spotlight On Our Most Popular Model

Meet Our Best-Selling Tattoo Machine: Neuma 5 FLEX Our most popular model right now is the Neuma 5 FLEX wireless, paired with a Modus motor in a 3.6mm stroke. With all of our machines, you first select your preferred model, then choose the motor that best suits your needs. The Modus motor takes its name from the Latin phrase modus… Continue reading Spotlight On Our Most Popular Model

How To Keep Your Neuma Tattoo Machine Running Like New

Extend the Life of Your Neuma Machine So, you just bought yourself a Neuma tattoo machine and you love the way it tattoos, and you want to ensure that it continues to perform as well as possible for as long as possible. Understanding your tattoo machine’s inner workings, parts, and components plays a key role… Continue reading How To Keep Your Neuma Tattoo Machine Running Like New

NEW Artist Pages!!

  Be sure to check out our artist pages. These are Tattoo Artists who currently use Neuma machines, what they like about them, and their preferred Neuma 4 configurations. If you know a certain artist who uses Neuma and know you’ll like it the same way they do, this is an easy way to configure… Continue reading NEW Artist Pages!!

Digital Quickstart Guide

  Check out the QuickStart guide here on the site. All machines come with a printed version, but in case you lose it, you can always find it here.  

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