Neuma 5
This is our latest tattoo machine. Highly anticipated, completely redesigned from top to bottom.
-redesigned transfer case featuring new, improved anti-rotation design
-mechanism cap isolates spring and mechanism from grip and cartridge
-cartridge receiver stabilizes carts from top to bottom for improved needle stabilization
-user changeable cams and springs easier than ever
-redesigned cams built to last
-designed for the use of disposable grips, in production and available in 2024!
-low weight, very low center of gravity
-very powerful 8W, 6.7mNm torque motors
-reduced vibration and sound
-compatible with RCA cords and batteries
-Length: 90mm
-Diameter: 33mm
-Weight: 175g
-Comes in 3.6mm stroke length with all 4 stroke profiles (20%, 28%, 33%, and 40%)